bergamot essential oil - organic.


9 reviews

SKU: eo-bergamot
4 in stock
  • Certified Organic
  • Cold Pressed
  • 100% pure (no carriers)
  • Responsibly Sourced From Italy
  • Top Note

Common Uses:

  • Diffuse or inhale to lift dark mood, reduce anxious thoughts, jittery nerves, nervous tension, and stress.
  • Ten drops oil to 1 ounce water, spray on pillow before bed to promote sleep.
  • Inhaled or diffused refreshes the senses, improves mental alertness, balances the nervous system, fights infection, and promotes illness recovery.
  • Diffused, it can help overcome a smoking habit by diverting the impulse to smoke and regulate appetite.
  • Ten drops in a bath to cool fever. Almond or coconut milk to help disperse the oils.
  • Regulate appetite when 3-4 drops diffused.

Blends well with:
Clary sage, frankincense, black pepper, geranium, sandalwood, orange, rosemary, vetiver, and ylang ylang.

Caution: phototoxic, not to be used on children

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Sammie Van Winkle

bergamot essential oil - organic.

Jody Davis
bergamot boost

Everything fine with this

Blank Ii Arthur
Deep Tissue 800mg CBD

Wonderful product. I recommend this to anyone who has aches.

Marguerite Cantu

I can't review yet, I ordered Moroccan Argan Oil to use with it; this order has not yet arrived.

Lisa Bruno
Bergamot essential oil

Great! Nice fragrance - not too strong.