- Certified Organic
- Steam Distilled
- 100% pure (no carriers)
- Responsibly sourced from India
- Top note
Common uses:
Massage diluted oil on abdomen to relieve stomachache
Dilute oil and inhale to soothe motion sickness or nausea
Dilute and massage on aching back, sore muscles, tension headaches
Unclog sinuses; relief from scratchy throat by inhaling
Diffused or steam inhalation can act as an expectorant
Peppermint and lavender diluted on sore muscles
Inhale oil to curb appetite
Diffuse for energy boost, focus and concentration
Relax muscles in nasal passage to clear congestion and pollen during allergy season
Blends well with: Basil, black pepper, eucalyptus, geranium, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, marjoram, cedarwood, rosemary, and tea tree.
caution: Do not use first 4 months of pregnancy. Avoid if you have gallbladder disease, severe liver damage, gallstones, and chronic heartburn.